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Forty years is a long time in business

You make mistakes. You take wrong paths. You make bad decisions that turn out to be good, and good decisions that turn out to be bad. You fail, then fail better. Along the way, you always learn – both from your own experiences, and from the wisdom of those you trust.

That is the premise on which I have built my business. There is nothing that I love more than rolling up my sleeves and getting into the weeds with my clients. 

Nothing beats the feeling of getting it right. The thrill of an idea, growing into a vision, and that vision becoming reality. The pride of knowing that you are making a difference in the world.

Why Business Recovery Business Growth?

I’m Ed Wood. I set up BRBG in 2021, after going through everything you’re probably going through now. I’ve had successes and failures. I’ve been wealthy, I’ve been bankrupt. I’ve worked alone, and with massive teams. I’ve had jobs I loved and jobs I loathed. I’ve had obstacles and bulldozers, snakes and also ladders.  

I’m a better person for all of it – and a better person for you to have on your side.

I’ve also had to make decisions about what it is I actually want to do. After being a kind of business everyman all this time, offering support in whatever way was needed, I now specialise in the work I love and where I have the most value – business recovery and business growth. It only took 40 years to figure out. Let’s hope it doesn’t take you that long. 

How I Work 

I’m here for the long haul. I build long-term client relationships underpinned by understanding and compassion, working with them from the inside as a trusted part of the team. I genuinely believe in the potential of every single company I work with. I'm a good listener and a blunt speaker. I offer a safe pair of hands – gloves on when you need support, gloves off when you need a decisive reality check. 

I know all the snakes and all the ladders – what paths to take and what to avoid. I see myself as the shield between your company and creditors, HMRC, landlords and others with disputes. Your problems become mine to solve. I negotiate on your behalf, untangle mess, restore order, and get you back to doing what you love.


I can’t help you with everything. Sometimes you need specialist expertise and support. That’s why when you hire me you also get access to my comprehensive and powerful network of more than 50 hand-picked, high-calibre experts in every field you could possibly need

When you recover your business, you recover your purpose. When you grow your business, you grow too.

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Getting Business Off The Ground!

Often we aren’t sure what kind of help we need – we just know we need it.

Lift Off! is full of diagnostic exercises to identify areas that need development for your business to g
et out of stuckness. Have a go at some examples below – and get in touch if it has helped to narrow down how we might be able to help.


Or check out his other titles and publishing business here..

“Benefiting from the wise counsel and considered opinion of Ed over the years is my continued great pleasure. Designing and implementing better systems, and suggesting solutions to many issues, Ed keeps our business firmly on the right track.”

George Baker - George Baker Racing LLP

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