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Getting your business off the ground

Life is hard for entrepreneurs. With the odds stacked against us, even the most successful of businesses have difficult periods and there are always areas in which we could do with some help and support.

After more than fifty years of succeeding – and failing –  in my own businesses, and helping countless more get off the ground and overcome obstacles, I wrote this book to bring together all the ideas, methods and approaches that, I believe, every entrepreneur needs to thrive.


‘Elder Statesman of entrepreneurship, Ed Wood, writes authoritatively in this broad reflection of his long experience as a businessman. He also illustrates his vast experience of getting down and dirty in the trenches of other peoples enterprises in various industry sectors - in particularly when they are going 'tits-up,' and have needed Ed to put them back on a steady flight path. A warm, worthy and compelling read for anyone drawn to the freedom of 'being your own boss'.’

An expert's view on the subject

‘Mr Wood writes about the topic of entrepreneurship - a subject he knows a great deal about both as one himself and as an accountant who has advised many budding entrepreneurs. He writes well and sets his knowledge out in a series of bullet points that guide us as to the questions we should be asking ourselves at each point in the tale. In short, it is a manual of do's and don'ts and will be of inestimable practical help to all. As an entrepreneur myself, I related to much of the advice therein. I wish the book every success - I just wish I had written it myself.’

Why you need this book

Often we aren’t sure what kind of help we need – we just know we need it. Lift Off! is full of diagnostic exercises to identify areas that need development for your business to get out of stuckness. Have a go at some examples below – and get in touch if it has helped to narrow down how we might be able to help.

Which ‘A’ are you?

Assertive? Accommodator? Analyst? Or a combination?  Before you can move into the kind of business owner you want to be, we have to figure out what kind of business mindset you have now.

Defining Your Business

You’re probably thinking you’ve already done this. But it’s time to make sure you’ve got it right. This series of questions leads you through to delivering a one sentence summary of your purpose and role. It’s harder than you think!

Ed is an ex Commercial Helicopter Pilot and Aviation Business Owner. Known for his Maverick energy, Ed now works as a Trusted Business Advisor and "co-pilot" here to help business owners navigate turbulent times. 

With the ability to run detailed diagnostics, check fitness to fly, and deliver tailor made navigation plans, Ed has the ability to take you from where you are now, to your desired destination. 

Written from his decades of business experience, he is on a mission to help businesses create a bigger impact, have more freedom, and achieve those high altitude goals. 

With his ability to provide fresh vision, clarity and guidance, Ed also brings wit, camaraderie and authentic expertise that you can rely on. 

About The Author : Ed Wood

There are blue business skies ahead... Let's Go!

What Readers Say

‘I've read dozens of books on entrepreneurship and was intrigued to read this one, not least because it's a bit of a rarity being written by somebody who's been in business for 50 years: been there, seen it, done it, and is still going strong! Ed’s personal story is both fascinating and inspiring. Lift Off! is the kind of book you read more than once. It’s insightful, practical, packed full of timeless wisdom and easy to read. It feels like a book written by a trusted adviser who’s on your side, but who also tells you exactly what you need to know, what you need to do, and who you need to become as you move through your journey as an entrepreneur.’

‘From the deeply personal and poignant start where the author discloses a painful secret, I was hooked. Edward Wood writes with such ease and fluency that even checklists keep you on the edge of your seat! Few think they have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, but this book makes it so exciting and so attainable I’m sure that many people will want to give it a go. I wish I had read it forty years ago.’

‘Ed Wood writes from the heart and honestly shares both his past difficulties and his success thereafter. His is a holistic approach that combines good sound advice on becoming a successful entrepreneur with choosing a lifestyle that allows maximum performance to overcome the challenges that will lie ahead. I strongly recommend it and I wish I had first read it during the early years of my own journey.’

‘An extremely well written and informative book which exudes the authors life experience all the way through. Presented well, attention to detail, and bite size chucks approach make it very readable. Any business whether new, struggling or established could benefit from reading.’

‘Ed’s ‘helicopter view’ is an excellent route map and metaphor for the would be entrepreneur. “Lift Off!” allows the curious venturer to first establish whether they have the gall and/or the guts to satiate their entrepreneurial juices before leaping into the unforgiving world of the start up. “Lift Off!” presents the reader with a series of yard sticks to critically assess whether they are a true entrepreneur or, and I am not being demeaning, a technician or a manager for whom the dream of workplace independence is a symptom of another frustration.The risk-all nature of the entrepreneur, an arguably irrational willingness to jeopardise everything to succeed and, if lost, to re-group and entrench is wonderfully explored. Ed is someone who has been to brink and returned war-wounded but still fighting. ‘

‘Whether you’re taking that first big step as an entrepreneur or you’ve been in business for a while, the need for constructive advice and a sounding board is critical. Lift Off provides exactly what’s needed, real life guidance from someone who’s been there many times. A great read, which builds your confidence and gives reassurance as you navigate your way through the minefield of running your own business. A book that I wish I’d had years ago.’

‘As someone who considers myself as an entrepreneur, I found the author's approach both useful and comforting. An entrepreneur’s life can be lonely and riddled with anxiety. It’s good to know that there are others with ambition who share the same torment, but also reap the euphoria of success. In addition, his 'been there done that' experience is essential guidance for those who may be considering this precarious path. Wise words. Essential reading.’

‘I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Every founder navigating the uncertainty of any entrepreneurial pursuit could benefit and learn from Ed's huge array of experiences. Very relatable and a useful handbook.’

‘What a helpful and easy to follow guide Lift Off! is. I am sure it will be of value to many start-ups and also to those who think they know it all!’

“I work with Ed assisting a complex business conglomerate, where we jointly hold Non-Executive roles. I have always found him to be perceptive, prepared and questioning. He is very adept at quickly getting to the issue at hand, suggesting a resolution and agreeing the way forward. Often acting as Chairman, he is effective at marshalling legal and other advisors – as well as executives – and carrying the meeting with him. His work has helped to transform, for the good, the performance of the organisation. He is particularly knowledgeable about property matters, but also has a natural business instinct which I believe makes him valuable in any business forum. In my opinion, his experience and energy would always be useful where a business needs direction, strategy and guidance. He is always invariably charming and courteous, and a pleasure to deal with.

Robert Mason – Partner
The Management Buy Out Centre LLP

“Outdoor events are by nature high risk businesses that demand dispassionate decisions based on the facts. Over the last seven years, Ed has helped the Standon Calling music festival make the right calls during high stakes moments. His calm assurance, experience and solution orientated strategic advice have been invaluable in growing Standon Calling into a leading UK festival. Most importantly, he is great to work with – both warm and tough when he needs to be – a real people person who is always happy to share knowledge gained during his long career.

Alexander Trenchard – Founder & Creative Director
Standon Calling Ltd

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